Sunday, March 11, 2018

Disappointing Trend on Facebook

As I recall, when Facebook and Twitter began, many complained that people were using the social media merely to report their daily activities. "How boring", people commented. Gradually, to some extent, people began to express points of view, rather than merely report on activities, and to share photos of their families, friends, travels and adventures.
But, frankly, these days, people seem to fill their News Feeds with articles by others, videos, so-called memes, sayings, and the like. To an incredible extent, gone are comments about peoples' own lives. Instead, often there's a parade of political commentary, political humor, animal videos, and the like. There are exceptions, and, to be honest, I've been guilty of this tendency, although I try to blog and I do tweet my own sentiments.
I just find this development depressing. Perhaps because I get my news primarily from digital newsletters and newspapers, and to some extent from real-time Twitter posts, I find Facebook's inundation with posts primarily not created although posted by my friends disappointing.

Trump and Putin

What does President Donald Trump's refusal to implement Congress's Russian sanctions law & his failure to direct Mike Rogers of the NSA to counter Russian cyber attempts to manipulate U.S. 2018 elections mean?

That Trump wants Putin to subvert our 2018 elections in favor of Trump GOP candidates? That seems to be an extremely reasonable inference. Didn't Trump call upon Russia during the 2016 campaign to use its cyber hacking capabilities to find Hillary's missing 30,000 emails? Trump seems quite comfortable colluding with Russia in pursuit of his own interests. Why not rig the 2018 elections. After all, it was Trump who claimed that the 2016 elections were rigged. We just hadn't realized at the time that what he meant was that they were rigged in his favor.

Trump's protectiveness when it comes to Putin may be a function of many factors, including Russian "dirt" on Trump for money laundering or other illicit or nefarious Trump behavior; or, a quid pro quo between Trump and Russia involving Russian intervention in favor of Trump in the 2016 elections in return for sanctions relief.

Whatever the specifics, Trump's posture toward Putin gives rise to the conclusion that they are in bed together, each pursuing his own self-interest at America's expense.

Democracy or Despotism?

I increasingly believe that this country is in a race against time. Will the demographic changes already underway reach a critical or tipping point in terms of changing electoral outcomes before the right wing succeeds in instituting an Ayn Rand style despotism.