As I recall, when Facebook and Twitter began, many complained that people were using the social media merely to report their daily activities. "How boring", people commented. Gradually, to some extent, people began to express points of view, rather than merely report on activities, and to share photos of their families, friends, travels and adventures.
But, frankly, these days, people seem to fill their News Feeds with articles by others, videos, so-called memes, sayings, and the like. To an incredible extent, gone are comments about peoples' own lives. Instead, often there's a parade of political commentary, political humor, animal videos, and the like. There are exceptions, and, to be honest, I've been guilty of this tendency, although I try to blog and I do tweet my own sentiments.
I just find this development depressing. Perhaps because I get my news primarily from digital newsletters and newspapers, and to some extent from real-time Twitter posts, I find Facebook's inundation with posts primarily not created although posted by my friends disappointing.