Tuesday, March 19, 2013

This Technology Thing Is Getting To Be A Headache!

You know, this technology thing is getting to be a headache.  Two days ago I sought to check my iPhone calendar for a past event I had listed on my iCal (calendar) on my Mac.  iCal syncs between the two devices.  The event was nowhere to be found on my iPhone but it was still on my Mac.  I double checked, did this and that, even pulled on my hair, to no avail.  Finally, after searching Google for answers I discovered that my iPhone, all on its own, had changed a preference that deleted calendar events after a month.  Huh?  I swear, I never did it.  Honest.  Technology seems to have a mind of its own.  I didn't quite believe it after viewing 2001 a space odyssey, but it's true!

Then it was my Charter cable service back at it again.  At least twice each month it just stops working.  The remote won't function.  I start to think its batteries have expired but that isn't it.  I have to unplug the cable box, replug it, and reboot.  Not as easy as you may think.  Well, okay, it's not difficult, just a pain as it takes about 15 minutes and always happens when I'm trying to watch a TV program of great interest. 

What's with all this stuff?  I mean Windows 3.1 used to malfunction often enough but that was almost two decades ago.  What gives?  This new technology has had enough time to get its house in order!