Let me be clear. I'm not a Trump supporter. Au contraire. But I am slightly bemused by all the condemnation of Trump for advocating possibly cooperating more with Putin and Russia. Wasn't it Obama who, in 2009, inaugurated the now infamous re-set with Russia? And didn't Obama ridicule Mitt Romney when Mitt identified Russia as America's biggest geopolitical threat in a 2012 presidential debate? And wasn't it George W. Bush who, in 2001, talked about having looked Putin in the eye and having seen him to be trustworthy.
Chill, people. There will be time to take Trump to task if he actually tries to weaken NATO or otherwise sacrifice America's interests to his own personal or familial interests. I'm not advocating supporting Rex Tillerson for Secretary of State or embracing Donald Trump as someone qualified to be President, which he is not. I'm just suggesting we keep a little perspective on things.